Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power
Meet Thomas Staudt

I was born in 1968 in the city of Flensburg, Germany. I grew up nearby, in a small village called Kalleby, not far from the Danish border and near the Baltic Sea, in a stretch of land called Anglia.
For my maternal grandparents, Hans-Peter Hansen and Maria Magdalena Hansen, I was their first grandchild. At that time, until the end of 1973, my grandparents ran a farm in a place called Bremholm, near the village of Sterup, about 10 minutes inland by car from the village of Kalleby. Almost every Sunday I was there with my parents, and I also spent my summer vacations there with other grandchildren.
As a toddler and child, I often found myself in a state where I sat with my eyes open and seemed to be looking into nothingness, but meanwhile I was contemplating and participating in something magical in an angelic, sheltered and inspiring world before my inner eye.
In the early 1970s, in Bremholm, I heard that „the Word“ was in the family. Although my family did not talk about it with us children and „the word“ was passed from one to another like a secret, I still got something of it, although I could not understand the meaning of it all. Years later I learned that my great uncle Günther Johannsen was a healer in the village of Saustrup, and that he was the one who received „the word“. He spoke very quickly and quietly when doing so, and I remember my grandfather listening to the respective recordings for hours and putting what was said down on paper with a typewriter. My grandfather also studied many other spiritual books and the Bible, but he never attended the service at church on Sundays. He didn’t talk very much and when he did what he said was wise, mostly quoting from the bible.
After elementary school, my family reluctantly sent me to a high school, because I didn't want to go to any other school and insisted on it. There had never been anything like that in the family! Perhaps part of this reluctance was due to the fact that my grandfather had once attended a high school in Flensburg. As a result of the Second World War, however, he had not been able to graduate from high school and emigrated to Canada, as he had originally intended, because his older brother had been killed fighting in Sevastopol and my grandfather had to take over the farm after he finally got home, being wounded in the vicinity of Reval (Tallinn). After the war he learned that he was the only survivor of his unit.
In any case, I was now the first in the family to graduate from high school. After my military service I undertook various journeys and studied, among other things, The Art of Teaching, Danish, Economics and in Many Ways what I then thought was Life Itself. I had gradually lost sight of the Spiritual side of life altogether, although in retrospect I can say that I was nevertheless always guided, although I did not realize it.
During a personal life crisis, a good translation of the Koran fell into my hands. I spent some time studying the Koran and also Arabic. Then a book about the healer Bruno Gröning crossed my path, I read Joel Goldsmith, Baird T. Spalding, Jakob Lorber, A Course in Miracles, Joseph Benner to name just a few.
Nevertheless, the greatest adventure of my life had not yet begun, until my study of the effective words of Murdo MacDonald-Bayne. Something unusual happened to me: I was sitting with my mother in the kitchen one day after lunch and we were talking. I don't remember what I said then (and she doesn't either), but she immediately got up, went to her bookcase and came back with a book. She said, „I have long been waiting to give you this book. Now I sense I should hand it to you. This is my DEAREST TREASURE.“ It was the book "Divine Healing of Mind and Body“ by Murdo MacDonald-Bayne translated into German by Mrs. Gunda Elisabeth-Bühler. This book fascinated me and from then on it was my constant companion.
I then found Dr. Bayne's books „Beyond the Himalayas“ and „The Yoga of the Christ“ on the web pages of Lora Mendel from Canada, which I first translated for myself and without further ambitions. It took me three years. I gradually realized that things were flowing to me as I engaged with his texts and that other people were also benefiting from my work. I met countless people over the years who supported me in my work, including David & Daisy White of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power in Durban, South Africa, who opened up whole new avenues for me to follow.
Over the years I have translated and published posthumously four of Dr. Baynes books into German, with the permission of the Sanctuary in South Africa. These are; "How to Relax and Revitalize Yourself“, then the letters from the "Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power“, followed by "Cosmic Consciousness - Your Silent Partner“ and recently "The Word of Creation“ – all are key works that interested people should study again and again in conjunction with the SANCTUARY.
When in February 2023 Leon called me in Germany from Houston, Texas, this resulted from our independent TUNING Into the SANCTUARY OF THE SILENT HEALING POWER. The SANCTUARY IS NOW spreading over the world and YOU CAN participate in this. Study the lectures available well, at JOEL’s wonderful website. If you ask me where to begin: Listen to your intuition.
And I may pass on to you here a piece of advice from Dr. Bayne that has always proved true: DON’T WORRY if you do not understand everything at once. If you read a book a second and a third time, many things will become clearer to you – and everything else will be added to your RELAXED approach.