Meditation and the Power of Breath
The practice of meditation is simply to allow the mind to become still, to control the mind and direct it to be free from thought during meditation. To meditate means that you become consciously aware of your oneness with the Divine Spirit. You become aware of your real self - “I AM THE LIFE.”
You therefore gradually open yourself to the inflow of the Divine Principal, Divine Life Intelligence which automatically flows through you. Your whole being will be charged with Divine Life.
I share that unlike prayer, which is asking for guidance, healing, and/or aid from God, Source, the Universe, meditation is listening to God and observing the experiences one may gain through the sixth sense, without introspection, during the process. It is important not to engage in your sensory perceptions during meditation, as this will invariably bring you into the mind and away from the stillness.
Allow yourself to partake of this wondrous space I refer to as blissful emptiness. Use discernment after your meditation to discern that which you have received through the sixth sense.
In order to gain maximum benefit from one’s meditations, it is important to become acutely aware of the breath, for breath sustains one’s life. Breath is the greatest of all the Prana energies granted to humanity. In becoming aware that the air we breathe is filled with Prana Energy, Life Force Energy, we begin to express gratitude for this sustaining power that all too often is taken for granted. Breath is the life in the body and conscious awareness of it makes it a real Active Principle.
Prior to meditating it is so beneficial to partake of this Prana in a conscious manner, aware that it is providing Life Force Energy to one’s body and mind, supporting every cell within the instrument we use here on this earthly plane.
To gain the most benefit from meditation, I would encourage you to learn the practice of the full yoga breath. Practicing a few full yoga breaths prior to meditation, once one has relaxed and set one’s intentions for the experience to be gained, brings the body and mind into a greater peaceful and harmonious relaxed state.
Take a few moments to acknowledge your presence and oneness with All There Is. Feel the Presence of the Divine in each breath you take. Recognize that the Divine has its Being in you and you have your Being in the Divine. The Divine is within you, not external to you.
In this state one is fully present, aware of the only moment in time, the only time there is. Allow the art of listening to the breath, for this further stills the mind. Should thoughts arise, it is important not to engage in the thoughts, but to simply observe them for what they are, with the intent of controlling the mind to be still.
Become aware that every breath you take is filled with Life Force Energy which nourishes the soul and feeds the body through Divine Application.
The full yoga breath entails initiating the intake of Prana - air, first into the abdomen, and then filling the rest of the lungs and expelling in the manner described below. The application of the full yoga breath enhances the bodily functions for the initial breath into the abdomen stimulates the organs. It invigorates one’s entire being.
The Full Yoga Breath and its Benefits
The full yoga breath entails initiating the intake of Prana - air, first into the abdomen, and then filling the rest of the lungs and expelling in the same manner. The application of the full yoga breath enhances the bodily functions for the initial breath into the abdomen stimulates the organs. It invigorates one’s entire being.
The following exercise will give you a practical understanding of the complete yoga breath:
- Sit erect or lie on your back stretched out and relax, surrendering yourself to quiet contemplation on the power of breath and the Life Force Energy it carries.
- Commence steady rhythmic breathing, first filling the lower part of the lungs with a deep long breath through the nostrils. As you do so you should feel your abdomen raising.
- Then fill the middle part of the lungs, feeling the lower ribs, breast bone and chest expanding.
- Finally fill the upper lobes of the lungs, slightly lifting the upper chest and shoulders. As you feel your chest expanding the lower part of the abdomen will be drawn in, giving the lungs full support and promoting full expansion of the upper portion of the lungs. Initially it may feel as though this breath consists of three separate movements. The idea is for the inhalation to be continuous until the full spectrum of the lungs have been expanded.
- Retain the breath for a few seconds then exhale steadily in a rhythmic breath, also through the nostrils, holding the chest in a firm position and drawing in the abdomen slightly. When the air is entirely expelled, relax the chest and abdomen.
Repeat this process for a few breaths.
Sacred Geometry Fractal Chakras

Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus

Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra

Third Eye