
The Omnipotent nature in humanity is the same attribute of Creator, just to a varying degree, since we are manifested in the image and likeness of the Creator. It is all Power there Is.
The true Spiritual Nature of things, when realized, directs the creative power of thought to produce corresponding results which manifest in one’s life. You have the Power to Create, and it is the deepest thoughts with the emotion of Love that manifest effortlessly.
It is necessary that we give time daily to Divine Thinking, to really feel the Presence of the Divine within us, to recognize the Omnipotent Nature we have inherited. It is our Birthright.
We must become consciously aware of ourselves as one with the Divine Power, that our thoughts and actions begin from this place of awareness. We will then create conditions according to the wisdom and power of God, Source, and bring about perfect health, happiness and abundance.
It is under these conditions that we come into our inheritance of Health, Harmony and Abundance. In order to obtain these we must give up our limitations, our weaknesses, self pity, self judgment, and self criticism. This means that you no longer believe in them, but you change your thought in the direction that you consciously become aware of your Omnipotent Divine Nature, your real self.
When we begin to understand and assimilate these truths into our every day lives, we develop faith, courage, capability and enthusiasm, with the result that we accomplish all our aspirations through the recognition of our true Spiritual Nature.