Forgiveness / Release

Forgiveness, freeing ourselves of bitterness and resentment, is vitally important and an absolute necessity for raising our vibration. We thus leave behind our perception that others have a desire or even the ability to hurt us. Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own emotional states. No one else is responsible for our feelings. When we feel angry, resentful, or depressed over another person’s actions, this is the reaction we have chosen for the situation at hand. Choosing forgiveness and living in harmony with others allows us to continue our life’s journey with integrity.
Letting go of the burdens of anger, pain, and resentment we’re projecting towards the people we feel have hurt us leads to a sense of freedom. We invite peace and happiness into our lives. It is the process of releasing yourself and others from the pain of the experience, restoring your integrity. It is an act of self love which renews, rejuvenates, and frees you whilst restoring harmony to yourself and others.
The present is all that is important, so allow yourself to be free of your hurtful past. Just imagine how much more time you will gain when you are only focusing your attention and energy on the things you love. Focusing on your aspirations for improving all aspects of your life, living a life in perfect health, living in harmony with all humanity. Enjoy an existence in which joy, happiness and abundance fills every area of your life, a life of grace.
The act of forgiveness is to truly loving ourselves. Be the invitation to love yourself. Know that your act of forgiveness is so powerful that miracles will happen if you’ll just forgive.