Divine Aspiration

The “I AM PRESENCE” within is your teacher and will present to your personal consciousness the perfect message for the moment. Seek, read, listen and observe and you will receive further instruction in pursuit of your aspirations. “Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”
Keep on knocking by Divine Aspiration until you find and realize your true consciousness, and the Divine Mother principal will transform the nature of things.
The Universal power is available to be used by all. Learn to understand and acquire its laws - Divine Imagination, Faith and Action are the keys. In grasping this mighty secret you will be able to use your mind with a power and understanding never experienced before.
Your Aspiration, Inspiration, Assimilation and Expression is your true natural course. In this way you will be led by the Divine Intelligence and you will not be affected by the results of your actions.
Allow the Divine Light to pierce your personal consciousness, and you will therefore trace the light to its source; and there you will find your True Self to be one with that Source, God, All There Is.
Know that the Infinite Power of the Universe is awaiting your intelligent use of your aspirations to co-create and co-operate in helping humanity, Mother Earth and all upon her, under the control of the Will of the All.